Sunday, July 19, 2015

Round 7 Part 13: Enterprise Park (2053-2057)

Ryker is 46, Jackie is 30.

narrated by Jackie Owens

The first few years of Ryker and me living together were seriously like one long vacation. We had our jobs, of course, but those only take up so many hours of the day and then we had the evenings to do whatever we wanted.

Sometimes we had people over...

Sometimes we went out...

And sometimes we stayed in by ourselves...

But perhaps we had one too many nights in, because a year ago I found out that I was pregnant, quite unintentionally.

After we'd had a few days to digest the news, Ryker asked to talk things over. He explained that as far as he was concerned, getting married was just exchanging a couple pieces of jewelry...

But he still felt like it would be better for the three of us to be one social and economic unit, and marriage does confer certain benefits in that regard.

I told him that neither marriage nor having a baby had been part of my original plan, but that I didn't really care what road we took as long as we took it together.

So we got married in a small ceremony attended by immediate family and very close friends.

And five months later Deanna was born! She looks much more like her father than me so far. The blue eyes weren't a surprise since mine are gray but the blond hair was definitely unexpected! Though I was talking it over with Mom the other day and she said she's pretty sure my dad had blond hair when he was younger, so I guess that's how Deanna got it. If she's really lucky, there were some recessive genes lurking for a nose that's not quite mine or Ryker's.

1 comment:

  1. Nice little update! Love it how you incorporate the speech bubbles into the story :-)
