Friday, July 6, 2012

Week Five Part Five: Riedmayer-Landgraab Estate

Beata Riedmayer-Landgraab, 62 years old. Aspiration: Popularity. Lifetime Want: Become General. Astrological sign: Scorpio.
Malcolm Landgraab IV, 59 years old. Aspiration: Fortune. Lifetime Want: Own 5 Top-Level Businesses. (Formerly Become Criminal Mastermind.) Astrological sign: Gemini
Malcolm Landgraab V: 24 years old. Aspiration: Popularity. Lifetime Want: Become Media Magnate. Astrological sign: Gemini.
Marion Landgraab: 18 years old. Aspiration: Pleasure. Lifetime Want: Have 50 1st Dates. Astrological sign: Gemini.
Margaret "Maggie" Landgraab: 12 years old. Aspiration: Popularity. Lifetime Want: Have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends. Astrological sign: Gemini.

Here is Beata's family tree. You saw a nearly identical tree in my last post, which featured Malcolm and Beata's oldest daughter, Millie. 

Malcolm IV has some ancestors, but I don't care about them. If you own OFB, you can go look up his family tree yourself.

Mal finally left for college when he was 24. Marion was chafing to go herself, but her parents told her that she might as well stay home and earn some more scholarships. Besides, it would be weird to go to college with her brother who was 6 years older than she was.
Meanwhile, Malcolm decided to work on rebuilding his family's business empire now that he was semi-retired and had a little more money. He started by having a grand reopening of Club Dante. Marion spent most of her after-school hours over there, greeting patrons and serving drinks at the bar. (If anyone asked, she said she was 21.) She always worked hard, figuring that she might as well get as many skills as possible before she struck out on her own.

 Meanwhile Maggie, who was too young to run the club by herself, took over Mal's old job as editor of the school newspaper for Bluewater Preparatory Upper School. Sometimes Marion would come home from the bar at 2 or 3 in the morning and find Maggie still at the computer they had in their room, typing away.

Random pic: Brittanie Kules and three of her lovers in the same room. I heard the "caught cheating" sound and stopped Malcolm just in time to keep him from slapping Brittanie. Meanwhile the other two guys fought each other constantly for the rest of the week and made it hard to get stars.

(Reminder: Malcolm dated Brittanie way back in Week One, before he married Beata. They've barely spoken in the intervening 30 years or so, but apparently he still had fond memories of their time together.)

When Maggie was 16 Malcolm decided that she was old enough to try her hand at running the club. The security cameras indicated that she spent most of the time dancing with Alexis Kules. Malcolm wondered why Brittanie let her 12-year-old daughter hang out at a club all day. Maybe Brittanie wanted Alexis to grow up to be a floozy too. 
Later, one of the customers set the kitchen on fire. Fortunately, Maggie managed to call the fire department before anything too terrible happened. After that, Malcolm had an alarm installed.
Of course, Malcolm didn't leave all the work to his daughters. In fact, he did most of the real dirty work himself.
Marion started think that maybe Maggie wasn't as obnoxious as she'd thought. She had been really responsible getting that fire put out; Marion wouldn't have thought she had enough brains in her head for that. The two sisters started to bond despite their age difference. One of their favorite things to do was play musical instruments together out on the porch.
At one point, Marion even snuck Maggie into the My Muse Music and Dance Studio.

Meanwhile, Beata finally accomplished her dream of becoming a general.

(TOC and LTW #1 for Beata! Since she's too old for another TOC, she'll get to spend her golden years using up accumulated maternity leave. New LTW: 5 Top Level Businesses. I guess she and Malcolm have all the same desires after being married so long.)
Around the same time, Club Dante reached the highest rank a business could achieve. Malcolm decided to purchase another business, the 1-2-3+ Gym. That gym quickly became Beata's pet project; she was over there constantly chatting with customers, giving them fitness tips, etc. She was good at it, too; the business rose to the top level with astounding speed.
After that Macolm decided to start a home business while he saved up for more ambitious ventures. The home business was nothing fancy, just some poker tables on the back patio, but people seemed to enjoy it.
Meanwhile, Malcolm had the chance to cultivate some hobbies. He brought Francine's old easel down to his bedroom and started painting from time to time.
He also took up pottery. Soon, it seemed like he could work on arts and crafts forever without getting tired.

(1 Hobby Plaque for me!)
Of course, he also made sure to make time for Beata. It'd be a shame to let the spark go out of their marriage just as they were achieving all their dreams.

(I actually took that picture because I couldn't imagine going to bed with someone wearing THAT suit.)
Not much has changed in the house.
Even Mal's room is exactly as he left it, since there are no younger children to displace him. (Recall that he took over that bedroom after Edith and Joan left.)
 The biggest difference is those poker tables.

Overall it was a very good week. Getting the venue businesses up was surprisingly easy, though retail outlets eluded me. (You'll notice that Electronics Supercenter, the other business pre-owned by Malcolm Landgraab IV, was prominently missing from this update.) Both Malcolm and Beata have filled their Lifetime Aspiration Meters, so they are very low maintenance.

1 comment:

  1. My sim Leif Hartwig owns that gym in Mattsmyra, and it really earns the stars by itself!
